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Main » 2010 » November » 05
Very little is known about the so called Queen of Darkness. Her gigantic body lies somewhere in the core of Tenebra maze, in a centuries-long deep sleep. That place was a immense and beautiful palace long ago, before being overrun by a mysterious force that turned it into the dark, tortuous, and almost living labyrinth known as Tenebra maze. There are many tales about how this came to pass, and they differ greatly on what role of Déméchrelle had in this transformation.

-Some say that the previous occupants of the palace attempted a ritual that went horribly wrong and summoned Déméchrelle from the abyss.

-Some claim that Déméchrelle was a genie protector of the palace, and that, during a fight, she swallowed a very powerful dark mage in order to protect her masters. Due to the mages protective magic she was only able to digest him slowly, over several years, and during that time she slowly took the d ... Read more »
Views: 3247 | Added by: obiflo | Date: 05 November 10 | Comments (0)

Forma sanilor tradeaza personalitatea unei femei!
Sanii au constituit dintotdeauna un simbol, marturisit sau nu, al eternului feminin. Ei sunt parte a senzualitatii feminine, un punct de atractie al oricarei femei.

Forma sanilor tradeaza personalitatea unei femei!
Se pare ca persoanalitatea unei femei poate fi "citita” dupa forma sanilor. Cel putin asa sustin specialistii in sternomantie (sternomantia este o stiinta aparuta in
secolul al XVIII-lea conform careia se poate citi personalitatea unei femei, aruncand o privire asupra formei sanilor).

Iata care sunt cele cinci tipologii feminine in functie de forma sanilor:

Sanii cirese/Sanii indrazneti. Femeile cu sanii mici sunt considerate foarte sociabile si pot reprezenta o partenera ideala de viata. In acelasi timp, acestea nu au
preferinte speciale pentru viata intima. Totusi, femeile cu sanii mici sunt cele mai neincrezatoare in fidelitatea partenerilor. ... Read more »
Views: 2161 | Added by: obiflo | Date: 05 November 10 | Comments (8)

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