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The First Humans
One of Odin the All-Father's sons was called Balder, he was one of the most beautiful gods. Although Balder knew he was loved by all at night he dreamed that he was about to be killed.

Although Odin the All-Father has always kept his name it is not so for his two brothers Vili and Ve. Vili has been known as Hoenir and Ve as Lothur. This is the story of how they created the first humans.

One day while the world of Midgard was still new the brothers strolled along the shore of the great sea. As they strolled they noticed two logs which had been washed up the shore line. As they came to stand over them they saw their shadows cast over the logs. The brothers all came upon the same idea. Odin lent over the first log and breathed over it, the log split and began to move and sure enough it formed into the shape of a beautiful woman. Although Odin had given her a soul and life she still lay motionless and her eyes were vacant. Odin did the same with the other log and it formed into the shape of a man. Then Hoenir gave unto the women the five senses and the power of understanding, but then she turned to the motionless man laying beside her so Hoenir gave him too the five senses and the power of understanding. But still they were voiceless so Lothur gave them each the power of speech. The woman was called Elm and the man Ash after the logs of wood they once were. And so the first humans walked away, hand in hand, into their new world.
Category: Viking Myths | Added by: obiflo (22 October 10)
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